Criminal law

Economic Criminal Law

We have extensive experience in the defence and prosecution in criminal proceedings for all types of white-collar crime: fraud, criminal mismanagement, corruption, intellectual property and other market and consumer and corporate crimes, among others.

In this field, our team not only carries out procedural actions before all jurisdictional bodies -and particularly before the Audiencia Nacional [The National Court of Spain]- but also carries out pre-procedural intervention and direct advice in the investigations that affect our clients prior to the opening of criminal proceedings, defending the interests of both companies and individuals who rely on our services.

In particular, our firm is a leader in crimes that affect the market and consumers and has prosecuted fraud and investor fraud in financial markets.

Our extensive experience and commitment to always applying the most efficient approach in each case has enabled us to intervene in proceedings relating to the most important financial scandals in the recent history of our country, all of them which have received great media coverage.

Money Laundering

The proliferation of criminal proceedings relating to the crime of money laundering has increased the need for specialisation in this area.

At IUS+AEQUITAS we specialise in money laundering offences and we provide our clients with both the service of prevention of these offences through the implementation of criminal compliance systems and the legal management of criminal proceedings initiated for money laundering offences. We are currently representing national and international financial institutions in sensitive criminal investigations, mainly before the National Court of Spain.

The defence and prosecution of this type of crime requires a high level of specialisation in the field, and our team of lawyers have the greatest experience and belong to the “ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING SPECIALISTS” ACAMS.

Our extensive experience and knowledge of the matter is endorsed by international rankings, such as LEGAL 500, which has recognised our firm in the “White Collar Crime” category.

Corporate Criminal Compliance

The criminal liability of judicial persons has brought about an important change within companies, which has favoured the implementation of criminal compliance programmes that not only help to avoid criminal liability, but also integrate a culture of respect for regulations and control procedures that favours the proper functioning of companies.

By acquiring in-depth knowledge of the company, our team specialising in corporate compliance creates compliance programmes that make it as easy as possible to adapt working protocols to the guidelines necessary to put all the means at your disposal to prevent the commission of criminal offences.

To this end, interaction with the client, direct contact and the proven criminal law training of our professionals are fundamental and allow us to obtain not only an optimal result in the management of the compliance programme, but also a defence of the client’s interests

with the best guarantees in the event that criminal proceedings are brought against the legal entity.

Other Areas

Offences against freedom.

· Offences against privacy, the right to one’s own image and the inviolability of the home.

· Offences against honour.

· Offences of illegal financing of political parties.

· Offences against workers’ rights.

· Offences against the rights of foreign nationals.

· Offences relating to zonal planning and urban planning, the protection of historical heritage and the environment.

· Offences against public safety.

· Falsification.

· Offences against the Public Administration.

· Offences against the Justice Administration.

· Offences against the Constitution.

· Offences against public order.

· Offences of treason and offences against the peace or independence of the State and offences relating to National Defence.

· Offences against the International Community

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