Collective work force adjustment plans. ERE (Expediente de Regulación de Empleo [Workforce Reduction Plans]), ERTE (Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo [Temporary Workforce Reduction Plans]), substantial modifications to employment contracts, functional and territorial mobility.
Taking into account the experience of our lawyers in corporate reorganisation processes, in addition to the restructuring of the workforce in companies in crisis, we have intervened in numerous collective procedures of all kinds (termination of contracts, substantial modifications, ERTE’s (Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo [Temporary Workforce Reduction Plans]), etc.), advising our clients regarding the same.
Our lawyers are also specialists in collective processes of reorganisation of workforces in insolvency proceedings, in which they usually intervene, in addition, as Insolvency Practitioners.
– Dismissals.Dismissals on objective grounds, wrongful dismissals, void dismissals, disciplinary proceedings, proceedings for the recognition and protection of rights, both ordinary and fundamental rights (mobbing, harassment, and situations of lack of protection or abuse in general), termination of the employment relationship due to serious breach, substantial modifications of working conditions, claims for payment, etc.
– Senior Management Contracts. We intervene both in the drafting of contracts of this nature, with all the specific clauses of this type of contract (non-competition, exclusivity, notice, remuneration in kind or by objectives -variable, stock options…-), and in the procedures aimed at the termination of such contracts or to demand compliance with their clauses.
– Labour Communications. Letters of sanction, dismissal, variation of working conditions or mere information.
– Labour Due diligence. Review of contracts, payroll and settlement documents, verification of applicable regulations, analysis of working conditions, etc.
– Investment and Purchase/Sale Processes. Study, determination and scope of business succession situations in sales and acquisitions of companies and productive units.
– Protection of Fundamental Rights(Infringement of fundamental rights and mobbing). As a result of our high level of specialisation in corporate jurisdiction matters, we deal with the most delicate matters, as required, in this field, such as proceedings involving the violation of fundamental rights, both from the employee’s point of view as well as in the company’s defence.
Specifically, our firm has intervened in the process for the protection of fundamental rights (mobbing) having obtained one of the highest awards obtained for compensation for moral damages caused by harassment.