Ius + Aequitas | Despacho de abogados en Madrid y Santander

Jose Ángel Torres Lana

Of Counsel del área de Litigación Civil y de ADR.



José Ángel Torres Lana is Of Counsel in the areas of Civil Litigation and ADR.


José Ángel holds a PhD in Law from the University of Navarra, where his thesis -La configuración jurídica del volumen de edificabilidad- was awarded with an Excellent Cum Laude grade, having also obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He has also been the director of five doctoral theses.


Since 1970 he has held positions, successively, as Professor and Professor, responsible for the Departments of Private Law, at the Universities of Navarra, Granada, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, and has even held the position of Vice-Dean.


José Ángel Torres is the sole author of the following books:


The legal configuration of the volume of buildability. Ed. EUNSA. Pamplona, 1975. One volume of 400 pages.
Contrato y derecho de opción. Ed. Trivium. Madrid, 1982. One volume of 300 pages.
Contrato y derecho de opción. Second expanded edition. Ed. Trivium. Madrid, 1987. One volume of 320 pages.
La multipropiedad, Ed. Iustel, Madrid, 2007. 300-page vol.
Legislación estatal del suelo y Derecho Civil, Ed. Aranzadi, Cizur Mayor (Navarra), 2008. One volume of 166 pages.
He has also collaborated in the preparation and publication of more than sixty books and collective works related to different areas of Civil Law, such as commentaries on the Civil Code and the Law on Voluntary Jurisdiction, Tourism Law, Intellectual Property, Urban Planning, Advertising, Consumer Protection, Contract Law, Voluntary Jurisdiction, Foral Law and Family Law, among others.


The above activities have crystallized in the publication of more than 100 scientific contributions on the aforementioned subjects, as well as his participation in a multitude of congresses and scientific meetings contributing his knowledge on the same. He has participated in many congresses and masters as well as in different research projects subsidized in relation to Tourism Law.


  • Civil Litigation Property
  • Real Estate and
  • Tourism
  • Family Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Urban Planning
  • Consumer protection
  • Contract law
  • Voluntary jurisdiction
  • Foral Law
  • Family Law
  • Inheritance law


  • Degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Doctorate in Law from the Universidad de Navarra.



  • Bar Association of the Balearic Islands
  • Member of the APDC - Association of Civil Law Professors


  • Bar Association of the Balearic Islands
  • Member of the APDC - Association of Civil Law Professors