Ius + Aequitas | Despacho de abogados en Madrid y Santander

Our essence

Identity marks

“Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude.”

Ralph Marston

At Ius+Aequitas we offer “procedural excellence” and we put it “at the service of our clients”. This is the motto under which we founded the firm and which integrates the DNA of our legal practice, together with quality, transparency and commitment; always putting people first.

The international directories par excellence highlight us as one of the main procedural boutiques in the country:

The Legal500

“Authentic specialists in dispute resolution. Ius-Aequitas stands out for its expertise in international litigation, corporate investigations and white-collar crime”.

“Top quality work for a fraction of what large Spanish law firms charge.”

“A truly competent team”

Chambers and Partners

“Clients choose the firm for its high degree of specialization, proactivity and ability to provide imaginative and robust solutions to complex problems”

“Eliseo Martinez is praised for his exquisite and powerful argumentation.”

“His lawyers' knowledge of the nuances of the law is commendable.”

Strength. We are a law firm specialized exclusively in litigation, and since 2003 we have maintained a constant growth, consolidating a group of professionals, perfectly cohesive and synchronized, whose sole objective is to help you. Proof of this is that we are proud to say that in almost twenty years of activity, no partner has left the Firm, which shows that our model of long-term relationship, of internal commitment, gives security to our clients and confidence in our way of working.

We are among the few firms that have the AENOR certificate in quality management systems ISO 9001:2015, which endorses the excellence of our quality policy, which we implemented in a pioneering way in 2012, which we apply daily since then and which is renewed and audited every year.


Our tireless quest to improve and stay at the forefront of a society in constant change and up to date with new technologies has led us to put the latest technological facilities at the service of our clients.

For us, each client and each case is unique, and we prove it to them. Thanks to our size, we have established a work methodology based on the collectivization of knowledge and decisions: each case is managed by two of our professionals supported by their teams. In addition, our working system fully involves partners with expertise in the field, which ensures that each client receives thorough advice and a 360-degree view of each matter, providing verifiable added value. A treatment that clients return to us in the form of trust.

Ius + Aequitas is a Spanish procedural law firm with an international soul and vocation. The disputes in which we assist our clients have in most cases an international dimension, as nowadays many disputes go beyond our borders.

In order to be able to help you with local experts wherever your disputes arise, we are the Spanish members of the “INTERNATIONAL FRAUD GROUP (IFG)”, a carefully selected alliance of top-level litigation law firms born in London in 1997.

This one-off alliance has been devastatingly successful and has now become a permanent worldwide network. It now consists of 31 law firms with a presence in 53 countries around the world: England (Mishcon de Reya, LLP), United States (Aballi Milne Kalil, Cantery Hanger LLPP, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP, Denevan Law), France, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Ireland, Denmark, Malta, Panama, Poland, Scotland, Turkey, Cyprus, Pakistan, Vietnam, Isle of Man, Latvia, Philippines, Cayman Islands, Jersey, Turks and Caicos Islands and Guernsey.

The incorporation of “INTERNATIONAL FRAUD GROUP (IFG)” reinforces our international presence, while providing our clients with a network of excellent professionals offering first class advice.


Our close academic collaboration with universities, foundations and other forums, in which our partners actively participate by giving lectures or classes. This makes us permeable to all developments that affect us, and allows us to strengthen and contribute to the intellectual and legal debate in which we develop our practice.

And above all...

Corporate Social Responsibility

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Martin Luther King

At Ius+Aequitas we are firmly committed to the defense of human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption, and in coherence with our principles and values, we are members of the United Nations Global Compact (Global Compact) and in compliance with the commitments acquired with these organizations, we present our annual annual social responsibility report.

All the members of the firm are aware of the work and responsibility involved in the practice of law, so we are constantly changing and evolving to be an active part in the development of society.

Our Código Ético reflects our values and our commitment to civil society.


For all these reasons, we are proud to be a firm:


– That puts people first. In order to offer the best service to our clients we must first be responsible with our team, encouraging policies that promote a better balance between the work and personal life of our lawyers.

– That works actively with non-profit organizations, both nationally and internationally, adding to the progress of education in developing countries.

We know that words move, but that examples drag, that’s why for more than five years we have been contributing our grain of sand to the fundación Vipeika and its Pilar Galarza School in Kilaya, Kenya, for 325 children.

For the past 10 years we have been associated with the magazine Anoche Tuve Un Sueño – the first European media to obtain the BCORP certificate– and we are sponsors of its annual premios anuales Optimistas Comprometidos since 2015 in the Freedom of Expression category, which rewards “individuals or groups of individuals who raise their voices in defense of Justice, freedoms and respect for Human Rights, thus confronting totalitarian governmental, economic, political and social systems”. Some of the awardees in this category include:

– Caddy Adzuba, Congolese journalist and Prince of Asturias Award for Concord.

– Raif Badawi, imprisoned Iraqi writer.

– Alfredo Romero, Venezuelan lawyer and president of the Penal Forum.

– Malgorzata Gersdorf, judge and first President of the Supreme Court of Poland.

– Through our PRO-BONO actions, we bring justice closer and give a voice to those who have none.


Because we know that there is no planet B, we are firmly committed to protecting the environment. We maintain active recycling, water saving and energy consumption policies. We identify the possible impacts we may cause in order to avoid them and minimize their consequences.