Ius + Aequitas | Despacho de abogados en Madrid y Santander

Labor litigation

Specialized Areas

Collective Employment Regulation Procedures: ERE, ERTE, substantial modifications of employment contracts, functional and territorial mobility.

Considering the experience of our lawyers in business reorganization processes, in addition to workforce restructuring in companies in crisis, we have been involved in numerous collective procedures of all kinds (termination of contracts, substantial modifications, ERTEs, etc.), advising our clients throughout these processes.

Our lawyers are also specialists in collective workforce reorganization procedures in the context of insolvency, where they regularly participate as insolvency administrators.

  • Dismissals: Both objective and unfair and/or null dismissals, disciplinary procedures, procedures for the recognition and protection of rights, both ordinary and fundamental rights (mobbing, harassment, and situations of vulnerability or abuse in general), terminations of labor relations due to serious breaches, substantial modifications to working conditions, claims for amounts, etc.

  • Executive Contracts: We assist in drafting these contracts with all the specific clauses typical of this type (non-compete, exclusivity, notice periods, compensation in kind or performance-based bonuses—variable pay, stock options, etc.), and in procedures for terminating these contracts or enforcing their clauses.

  • Labor Communications: Drafting letters of sanction, dismissal, modification of working conditions, or simple information notices.

  • Labor Due Diligence: Reviewing contracts, payrolls, and settlement documents, verifying applicable regulations, and analyzing labor conditions, among others.

  • Investment and Acquisition Processes: Studying, determining, and assessing the situations of company succession in transactions involving the sale and acquisition of companies and productive units.

  • Protection of Fundamental Rights (Violation of Fundamental Rights and Mobbing): As a result of our high specialization in social jurisdiction matters, we handle the most delicate issues in this area, including cases of violations of fundamental rights, both from the worker's perspective and in the defense of companies.

Specifically, our firm has been involved in a case of fundamental rights protection (mobbing), where we obtained one of the highest compensations for moral damages caused by harassment.


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