Ius + Aequitas | Despacho de abogados en Madrid y Santander

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Domestic and International Arbitration

One of the most defining features of IUS+AEQUITAS. Leading legal directories highlight the work of our partners as arbitrators or lawyers in major arbitrations administered by various national and international courts:

“‘Outstanding’ managing partner Eliseo M. Martínez leads the team and provides ‘deep knowledge and creativity’ in international litigation,” and “Tomás Villatoro is an exceptional arbitrator who always goes the extra mile for his clients and always knows his cases down to the smallest detail. It’s always a pleasure to work with him.” The Legal 500, 2020.

We are the Spanish members of the "International Fraud Group" (IFG), through which we have strengthened our international presence and knowledge, working closely with arbitration experts in numerous countries across all five continents.


Members of our team actively participate as arbitrators or lawyers in proceedings in various legal areas, administered by the following Arbitration Courts:

  • “International Chamber of Commerce” (ICC)
  • “International Center for Dispute Resolution” (ICDR)
  • “Comité Franco-Español de Arbitraje, CCI- Chambre France-Espagne,” Paris, France
  • “Corte de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Servicios de Madrid,” Madrid, Spain
  • “Asociación Europea de Arbitraje,” Madrid, Spain
  • “Conselho Arbitral do Estado do Sao Paolo, Brazil (CAESP)”

We have the capacity to engage in arbitrations conducted in various languages, including English, French, Arabic, and Spanish, among others. We are honored to have among our associates in this field, Farah BETELMAL, who, among other positions, has served as "Deputy Counsel" in the Secretariat of the "International Chamber of Commerce" (ICC), and currently holds the position of representative member of Libya before this arbitration institution.

Civil and Commercial Mediation

We have extensive experience in civil and commercial mediation, which we have applied in numerous commercial mediation procedures across a wide range of sectors, including finance, construction, franchising and distribution, real rights, and leases, among others.

Many of our partners and lawyers are listed as civil and commercial mediators by some of the most important mediation institutions in our country, such as the "Centro de Mediación Empresarial" (CMEM) and "MediaICAM" (Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid), among others.


Additionally, we are members of organizations like the "Civil and Commercial Mediation Commission" of the "Club Español del Arbitraje," which aims to promote mediation in our country. We collaborate with public administrations in the development of regulations that facilitate the knowledge and application of this tool, designed to enable faster, more economical, and efficient resolutions between the parties in a conflict.

Insolvency Mediation

The figure of "insolvency mediation," or "Extrajudicial Payment Agreement" (AEP), is a mechanism aimed at preventing individuals, self-employed persons, and legal entities with limited liabilities (less than five million euros) from being subject to insolvency liquidation.

Our partner Tomás Villatoro holds the dual role of insolvency administrator and civil and commercial mediator, as required by the Insolvency Law since it introduced the figure of "insolvency mediator" in 2015. This has allowed him to be appointed by Notaries, Commercial Registers, and Chambers of Commerce, participating in dozens of insolvency mediation procedures. His interventions have been notably successful in bringing together the positions of debtors and creditors to promote extrajudicial agreements that prevent insolvency. His vast experience in the field has led him to chair the Insolvency Mediation Commission of the Business Mediation Center of the Madrid Chamber of Commerce (CMEM).


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